domingo, 31 de octubre de 2010

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween, geeks and geekettes!!

You know what to do, stay on the sidewalks, don't talk to strangers, and always check your candy! Yay! And don't forget to watch the series premiere of The Walking Dead!!! Also if you see this lil guy,give him a candy, have a lit jack o-lantern nearby and run like hell:

sábado, 30 de octubre de 2010

Captain America Entertainment Weekly Scans

So not so long ago I was telling you guys that Entertainment Weekly was releasing ana rticle on Cap America. Wel, the scans are here and some pretty neat pics as well, including one of RED SKULL. Enjoy the pics (click 'em for full-size):

Why Cap is so awesome

The Captain America movie is on its way and let's be honest...There's a number of reasons why it won't be such a succes as Iron Man was.
A) Iron Man was a worlwide hit, as know, dozens of countries. And U.S.A. is
B) Cap doesn't really ahve much of a superpower and his movie will be set in WW2.
C) He can't shoot lasers, dammit!

So I think this article IGN cooked up is very useful when it comes to showing why Cap is so cool. I dig Cap America, and I'm from it up, it's kinda for fromt he land of opportunities.
Click HERE for the article, it's very interesting, and it will help you familiarize with the character.
What do you think. Is cap still a hero for this generation? Do you think he's hiding his abaility to shoot lasers off his eyes? Will Cap and Thor be as mainstream as Iron Man?

viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010

Another Cap pic!

Here's another pic of Chris Evans as Captain America..although you can't really see his face. But apparently he'll be using the old shield on most of the movie. I guess we'll have to wait until the avengers for the round one. Until then, if you need an apetizer, I really recommend watching the new ccartoon: "The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes" or the "Ultimate Avengers" Movie, which is also great. Am I the only one who thinks that we owe these great movies to Mark Millar's The Ultimates? I really think if it wasn't because of him, there wouldn't really be such a ''modern'' approach to the Avengers like they're trying to create. Let me know what you think in the comments!

jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010

Review: Iron Man 2 (2-Disc Steelbook DVD)

But didn't Iron Man 2 come out on DVD like...a month ago? Well, yes, but this review will focus mostly on the collectible value of this version (or not).

The Movie: Iron Man 2 starts 6 months after the events of the first Iron Man, with Tony having legal issues regarding the suit, the government trying to manufacture their own suits, Justin Hammer taking over the industry, a new villain seeking revenge beause he's father was left in the shadows of the scientific community by Tony's dad the same device that's keeping tony alive is also slowly poisoning him to death with no apparent solution.
I will not get into details, in case you haven't seen it yet. Let's just say it's an awesome movie, and it sets the ground very well for the upcoming Avengers movie.

Audio and Video: By now most people have grown used to 720p and 1080p flatscreen TVs and Blu-Rays, but not all of us are that lucky. So, considering this is a DVD we're talking about, the video quality is very, very good and the movie makes a good use of the Dolby Digital 5.1 .

The Extras: Now this is the weakspot of this set. Are the extras good? Yes, they are. But they are not enough. Disc 1 contains only audiocommentaries, which I haven't been able to listen to yet. Disc 2 contains 4 Deleted scenes, 2 Featurettes, and the AC/DC music video. That's it. Pretty barebones. Specially when you compare it to the 2-Disc Blu-Ray Edition. Some people may argue that DVDs jsut can't hold that much info. Well, the Special Features DVD only uses 2 GB, and most DVDs use from 5 to 7.5 GBs. So I feel a bit scammed. If you wanna know what's in the Blu-Ray and not in the DVD, here's a list:

-The Making of Iron Man 2
-4 additional featurettes
-4 additional deleted scenes
-Concept Art Gallery
-Theatrical trailers

The Packaging: Again, it's not as pretty as the 2-Disc Blu-Ray Steelbook version, but it's still pretty nice. It features a Pic of Warmachine on the back, and Iron Man on the front. The title of the movie is in embossed letters. On the inside you get a pic of the Mark V suit and Iron Man with his helmet off. Own Pics (sorry about the quality):

Final Thougths: While it's a bit short on the extras side, it's still an awesome movie in an awesome packaging and worth owning if you're a collector.

Price: U$S 25

If you have any questions, don't be shy! Feel free to ask anything or give your opinion on the movie on the comments section!

Captain America on Entertainment Weekly!

Cool, huh? This issue goes on sale tomorrow, October 29. Let me know if you get it in the comments! For more info and pics of the movie, you can go to the official site at

miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

Leonard Nimoy returns to Fringe

Last May, Leonard Nimoy (largely know as Spock to Star Trek fans all around the world) finished his role as William Bell in the Fringe season 2 finale, and announced he'd quit acting. But it seems he had a change of heart as he will make an appearence on the 10th episode of season 3. In the same episode, Christopher Lloyd (A.K.A. Doc. Emmet Brown from Back to the Future) will also make a guest appearance. Here's the TV Spot for the new episodes coming on November:

The song is ''Waiting for the End'' by Linkin Park, from the album ''A Thousand Suns''. And if you haven't heard that album yet, i strongly recommend that you do. Here's the official video just for the hell of it:

Batman 3 gets a name!

That's right, Chris Nolan has announced that the third (and suposedly last) Batman movie will be called ''The Dark Knight Rises'' and that The Riddler will NOT be the villain. Tom Hardy, who was in Inception (also directed by Nolan), has been cast for an unknown role and there have been very big rumors of Nolan runnin auditions for a female role. Nolan stressed that he will not use 3D tech to film the movie, but that he'll stick to hi-def IMAX. So...who do you think the villain/s will be?

Possible FAQs

FAQs = Frecuently Asked Questions

-------What consoles do you use for reviewing?
Well, I own a PS2 Slim, PSP Slim and PC, and I have access to an NDS Lite.

-------What are your PC specs?
Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad (2.5 Ghz)
RAM: 2 GB Kingston RAM
O.S.: Windows XP SP3
GPU: XFX ATI Radeon HD 4670 1GB DDR2
Usual gaming resolution: 1440x900

------Why do you speak so weird sometimes?
Because English is not my mother tongue. If youe ver try to learn a second language, you'll realize it's not easy.

------Some of the sutff you review isn't that new.
It isn't supposed to be. I review things that I like and maybe some people couldn't watch/play or didn't even know it existed.

-----It's been a long time since you updated the blog.
Well, I go to college, I have a girlfriend, and I enjoy playing games, watching movies and listening to music, as well as reading. This blog is just a hobby, not my job. At least not until I get paid for it, which would be great.

Hello, everyone!

This blog will be dedicated to reviews, news and random facts about cool stuff ranging from comics, TV series and movies to music and videogames. These will be mostly on the geek side, so consider yourselves warned. Special thanks to Poly for always supporting me and being awesome! :) I am still learning to use blogspot and using HTML elements, so bear with me on this. Also if you have any comments, suggestions or complains, please let me know in the comments!