jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010

Review: Iron Man 2 (2-Disc Steelbook DVD)

But didn't Iron Man 2 come out on DVD like...a month ago? Well, yes, but this review will focus mostly on the collectible value of this version (or not).

The Movie: Iron Man 2 starts 6 months after the events of the first Iron Man, with Tony having legal issues regarding the suit, the government trying to manufacture their own suits, Justin Hammer taking over the industry, a new villain seeking revenge beause he's father was left in the shadows of the scientific community by Tony's dad and...now the same device that's keeping tony alive is also slowly poisoning him to death with no apparent solution.
I will not get into details, in case you haven't seen it yet. Let's just say it's an awesome movie, and it sets the ground very well for the upcoming Avengers movie.

Audio and Video: By now most people have grown used to 720p and 1080p flatscreen TVs and Blu-Rays, but not all of us are that lucky. So, considering this is a DVD we're talking about, the video quality is very, very good and the movie makes a good use of the Dolby Digital 5.1 .

The Extras: Now this is the weakspot of this set. Are the extras good? Yes, they are. But they are not enough. Disc 1 contains only audiocommentaries, which I haven't been able to listen to yet. Disc 2 contains 4 Deleted scenes, 2 Featurettes, and the AC/DC music video. That's it. Pretty barebones. Specially when you compare it to the 2-Disc Blu-Ray Edition. Some people may argue that DVDs jsut can't hold that much info. Well, the Special Features DVD only uses 2 GB, and most DVDs use from 5 to 7.5 GBs. So I feel a bit scammed. If you wanna know what's in the Blu-Ray and not in the DVD, here's a list:

-The Making of Iron Man 2
-4 additional featurettes
-4 additional deleted scenes
-Concept Art Gallery
-Theatrical trailers

The Packaging: Again, it's not as pretty as the 2-Disc Blu-Ray Steelbook version, but it's still pretty nice. It features a Pic of Warmachine on the back, and Iron Man on the front. The title of the movie is in embossed letters. On the inside you get a pic of the Mark V suit and Iron Man with his helmet off. Own Pics (sorry about the quality):

Final Thougths: While it's a bit short on the extras side, it's still an awesome movie in an awesome packaging and worth owning if you're a collector.

Price: U$S 25

If you have any questions, don't be shy! Feel free to ask anything or give your opinion on the movie on the comments section!

2 comentarios:

  1. weird, i got the dvd 2 disc edition and its really nices, comes into the iron mans helmet... has the making of the stark expo and some iron man shit cant rememebr what... some deleted scenes, the comentary of john favreu and ac/dc stuff... i really need to check out again cant remember, been a while since i saw it :P

  2. WEll, yes, of course. It depedns on teh version you get. There's the one with the helmet. It all depends on where you buy it. And yes, they special features are nice. But teh blu ray includes 2 additional hours of extras which are not in the DVD, and they DID fit in there. Don't get me wrong, I really like this DVD, and the steelbook case. I just think they're glorifying the Blu-Ray format a bit too much.
